JFK Blown Away 56 Years Ago Today


Today is the 56th anniversary of the assassination of the thirty-fifth president of the United States.   Kennedy served at the height of the Cold War and his presidency dealt primarily with managing relations with the former USSR and Cuba.  Stateside, JFK established the Peace Corps, continued the Apollo space program and supported the Civil Rights Movement.

Unicorns and rainbows aside, Kennedy escalated tensions in South Vietnam by increasing the number of American military advisers and brought the United States to the brink of nuclear war in April 1961 with a botched attempt to overthrow Castro’s communist Cuba in the Bay of Pigs Invasion.   And while we may never know the names of the persons who masterminded Kennedy’s death, we do know this much.

Kennedy was neutralized during an event that would be obscured and obfuscated to the point of absurdity.  And despite hundreds of witnesses and compelling home movies to the contrary, his death was ultimately blamed on a lone nutjob who was 250 feet away and shooting at a moving target.  Oswald supposedly got off 3 rounds with an old Italian bolt action rifle in only six seconds and scored two hits, including a head shot.  Notwithstanding Oswald’s stint in the United States Marine Corps, it would be damn impressive shooting if it was true.

Of all the conspiracy theories opined in numerous books and films, the one item glossed over by all of them is Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110, which was effectively, the first step towards reigning in and eventually ending the Federal Reserve.  Executed on June 4, 1963, Kennedy was dead five months later.  Coincidence? Only if you believe in magic bullets and the tooth fairy.

For those who don’t know, the Federal Reserve is about as federal as Fedex.  A privately held, unelected, elite body comprised of banking and finance magnates with ties to the billionaire Rothschild international banking empire that controls America’s money system and is unaccountable to either the President or Congress.  Effectively, it operates according to its own interests which are not necessarily mutually exclusive with those of American citizens, and precisely why Kennedy wanted to end it.  Unfortunately, the Fed ended Kennedy first.  President Trump has since taken up the mantle of vowing to abolish the monster and bringing back the gold standard.

Highly recommended reading:  The Creature from Jekyll Island, by E. Edward Griffin.

One Response to JFK Blown Away 56 Years Ago Today

  1. I had missed your post but am caught all up now! I posted this to my twitter page. Let’s see if that’s censored.

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