Aaaaand We’re Back

October 1, 2021

Remember the announcement when I said we had new hosting? Weeeelllll, we did, for a period of time and then I decided that the hosting company was a steaming pile of fraud so I removed my bank account from supporting it any further.

After several more months in limbo in search of other hosting, I decided on another candidate. Turns out prattleonboyo will be staying right here on wordpress. And once the fresh nameservers resolve, our new domain name will simply be prattleonboyo dot com minus the wordpress suffix branding.

I’ve had a lot of topics I’ve been wanting to cover lately but haven’t been very good at prioritizing due to personal obligations and commitments, but it’s all settling down to a manageable level now so do please look forward to new material soon!

I’ve also revised my About section so please read it.

Movin’ On Up

June 20, 2020


In 2009, I created the free wordpress website, known as Prattle On, Boyo.  I had wanted to obtain its own domain and hosting, but finances at the time prevented it.  So at long last, I say with considerable gratification that I’ve made it happen. Effective immediately, Prattle On, Boyo’s new primary domicile will be at

But wait, there’s more!

While this site will be continued to be maintained, you should point yourself to my freshly pressed domain from here on out.   Until I get settled over at, you will continue to receive this site’s newsletter (assuming you’ve subscribed to it) and/or you can always check out my Twitter feed.

So come on over to take a look and be sure to BYOB – I prefer Bohemian or Kona Brewing Company.   See you there!

Introspection During Isolation

April 5, 2020


G’day, bitchez.  By my reckoning, today is day 21 of the national lockdown imposed as a direct result of the coronavirus global pandemic.  Of course, those of us who have been following a certain anonymous letter of the alphabet, otherwise referred to by the liberal loon MSM as a “far right conspiracy,” have our thoughts as to what is really going on.  For instance, I have to wonder whether CV is part of The Plan or is it merely cover for what is currently happening deep underground?   I’m not here to talk about politics so we’ll find out soon enough, patriots. I wanted to check in and talk about what I’ve been up to since the quarantine.

Since I ordinarily work from home, anyway, it’s SOP for me to sit at my desk in my home office staring at 3 monitors for up to 12 hours/day.  I’m a lot more productive because the only way I get paid is based on my quantitative and qualitative output versus the rest of you slugs who get paid based on how many hours your ass is glued to the chair in your employer’s office.  But lately, AB5, or what I like to refer to as the Lorena virus, is currently burning through the California economy because it doesn’t just adversely affect residents of that socialist shit hole.  For anyone dealing with independent contractors, AB5 is more virulent and destructive than Covid.  I won’t get into further explanation as you can do that on your own.  Just check out the AB5 Stories found here.

Since work has been paused, I’ve been spending my time constructively with various online learning endeavors.  I just enrolled in Coursera’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) specialization.  For those who don’t know, GIS is a framework for gathering, managing and analyzing data.  It’s rooted in the science of geography and integrates many species of data.  GIS analyzes spatial location and organizes layers of information into visualizations using maps and 3D scenes.  With this unique capability, GIS can help reveal deeper insights into data, such as patterns, relationships, and situations thereby helping users make smarter decisions.  The most prominent example of GIS usage is found here.

And for shits & gigs, I also took a corona virus awareness course offered for free by CEU Institute.  It consists of 10 short videos followed by a quick quiz and is well worth your time as it covers planning, preparation and business continuity.  You can get yours here.

Covid essentially caught the world with its pants down around the ankles popping a squat like Butch did when he sneaked into his apartment while Vincent was on the toilet.  And but for President Trump’s outstanding leadership, the ensuring chaos & confusion may very well have destroyed the United States. Can you visualize the bedlam under Barry? This is what nightmares are made of.

Remember H1N1 swine flu–Hussein waited until millions were infected and a thousand were dead before declaring a national emergency and there was nary a word from either the MSM, Nazi Pelosi, Chuckie, creepy sleepy Joe or Schiff for brains about any of it.   Now all of them want to oversee Trump and convince the sheep that he needs to respect the authoritar of the same hemorrhoids who have perpetrated Russian collusion delusion I & II, impeachment scam, Ukrainegate and fartgate all while in the middle of a global fecking pandemic requiring immediate and decisive action.  You keep waiting for that, Nazi Pelosi–go pour yourself another vodka & vodka while you wait.

Call me crazy, but frankly, I expect the economy to open back up by Easter.  In the meantime, many orgs have stepped up and are offering free courses to keep you busy.  Check out Udemy and Coursera for starters because there will never be another time in history when the government pays you to sit home on your ass.  And if you’re not the book-learnin’ type, you can always stream 3 seasons of Ozark.

If you need a daily dose of PoB, be sure to follow me on Twatter.  I usually post there daily.


13 Facts About Friday the 13th

December 13, 2019

Today’s Yiddish word of the week has been pre-empted.  Happy Friday the 13th, bitchez!


1.  It is unclear why it is feared.  Some say the day is associated with a French king who gave the orders in 1307 to whack the Knights Templar on Friday 13th while others believe that Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday the 13th.

2.  And yet the myth of bad luck persists.  So much so that some suffer mental illness because of the fear of Friday the 13th.  Friggatriskaidekaphobia or paraskevidekatriaphobia.  Friggatriskaidekaphobia comes from Frigg, the Norse goddess of wisdom after whom Friday is named, and the Greek words triskaideka, meaning 13, and phobia, meaning fear. Paraskevidekatriaphobia is also derived from Greek: paraskeví translates as Friday, and dekatria is another way of saying 13.

3.  The fear of Friday the 13th is contagious.  And affects millions of people.   The profit margins of airlines are especially affected because of the widespread belief that the number 13 is unlucky.

4.  Friday the 13th usually happens in threes.  All years will have at least a single instance of the day but there can’t be more than three in any given year.  The longest the calendar goes without seeing a Friday the 13th is 14 months.

5.  Sunday is to blame for Friday the 13th.  For a month to have a Friday the 13th, the month must begin on a Sunday.

6.  Friday the 13th patterns repeat.  Whenever a common year begins on a Thursday, the months of February, March and November will have a Friday the 13th.  This will happen 11 times in the 21st Century.   The Feb-Mar-Nov pattern repeats in a 28 year cycle.  The cycle began in 2009.  This won’t happen for 11 more years until 2026 and then we’ll wait another 11 years until 2037 to see another Feb-Mar-Nov Friday the 13th trifecta.

7.  Leap years are not exempt.  If January 1 of a leap year falls on a Sunday, the months of Jan-Apr-Jul will each have a Friday the 13th.  This happened in 1928, 1956 and 1984.  This will happen another four times in 2012, 2068 and 2096 thereby perpetuating the 28-year-cycle again.

8.  Alfred Hitchcock was born on Friday the 13th.  Hitchcock is considered the master of suspense and was born August 13, 1899.  He made his debut with a movie called Number 13 but the film was plagued with financial trouble.

9.  It is unlucky but only for some.  Friday the 13th is not universal.  In Italy, it is Friday the 17th that is considered unlucky while the number 13 is considered lucky.

10.  Fear of Friday the 13th is a mental illness, at best.  There is very little to zero evidence that Friday the 13th is unlucky.  Studies have shown that the day has little or no effect whatsoever on accidents, hospital visits and natural disasters.

11.  The day caused a windfall for a film series.  The Friday the 13th franchise includes 12 horror movies, a TV series and several books that focus on curses and superstitions.  Jason Voorhees and his old skool hockey mask is one of the most recognized images in pop culture.

12.  Safety & Accident Awareness.  Finland dedicated Friday the 13th as National Accident Day in 1995 to raise awareness about safety–at home, in the workplace and on the road.

13.  Asteroid on Friday the 13th.  On April 13, 2029, an asteroid discovered in 2004 and named 99942 Apophis will safely fly by Earth.


Remembering Pearl Harbor

December 7, 2019


December 7, 1941 was a warm and sunny morning for the US troops serving at Pearl Harbor.  Softball teams were on the beach warming up while wives & children, fresh from seaside church services, joined their husbands and fathers to watch the game. But the great majority of servicemen were still in their skivvies or eating breakfast in the mess halls.

They had no way of knowing that on that same morning, the naval fleet and air forces from the Empire of Japan had been speeding across the ocean towards America’s Pacific military base, where, lined up, side-by-side, across the docks and waterfront, the majority of its naval might was neatly presented and poised for obliteration.


The carnage began at 7:48am. The Japs had spaced the two waves of their devastating attack on the harbor and Hickman Airfield forty-five minutes apart.  They also hit airfield at Hickam Field, Wheeler Field, Bellows Field, Ewa Field, Shofield Barracks and Kaneohe Naval Air Station.  There were 8 of 9 battleships in port that day–effectively, all the battleships of the US Pacific fleet, but for one, the USS Colorado, which had been previously ordered to Puget Sound Naval Yard after an intensive series of training exercises that had concluded on June 25th.


Seven of the eight ships were lined up on Battleship Row.  Ultimately, all eight were either sunk or damaged. In total, 11 other ships were sunk, 188 planes were destroyed, 2,343 servicemen were killed, 1,272 were wounded and 960 went missing.  68 civilians were killed and 35 were wounded.

Casualties on the Jap side included the loss of or capture of 65 men while 28 planes were shot down and 5 midget submarines were sunk.  The next day,  President Franklin Delano Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war during his Day of Infamy Speech excerpted below:

Yesterday, December 7th, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.

Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.

It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.

No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. 

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.  With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph—so help us God.

I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.

Three days after Roosevelt gave his speech, on December 11th, the US also declared war on Germany and Italy after they had previously declared war and the Greatest Generation was an official player in World War II.

Emboldened by its cowardly attack upon Pearl Harbor, Japan would go on to stage a second assault on Oahu three months later on March 4, 1942.  While the plan was audacious, it was plagued by errors and foul weather.  Despite the failure of the attack, it would cause changes to US naval strategy that would remain in place throughout the war.

A surprise attack (Doolittle Raid/Operation K) on Tokyo was subsequently executed on April 18, 1942.  While the results yielded little damage, the raid was a very effective morale booster for Americans. Its national pride affronted by the raid, the Japanese exacted its anger on the villagers in Quzhou, Zhejiang province in China who had helped rescue American pilots, 51 airmen in all, after its suicide mission.

Four years later, as a direct result of Japan’s surprise attack on our country, the United States made the decision to drop atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and August 9, 1945, respectively, and effectively ended the war.

Japan officially surrendered a week later and Victory over Japan (VJ Day) is remembered annually each August 14th.

Yiddish Word of the Week

December 6, 2019


This week’s word describes a vulgar and ignorant person and nowhere else in Congress is this as obvious or as egregiously demonstrated as it is by the four morons of the apocalypse.

Often described as the new faces of the Democratic party, ISIS sympathizers Omar & Tlaib, socialist Red Cortez, and Pay-Me Pressley are the high profile prostaks who irrevocably establish how much they despise America and Americans each time they open their loathsome mouths.



[Wow] Ventose

December 3, 2019



Have you ever known someone whose speech is the verbal equivalent of explosive diarrhea? Otherwise known as a bag of flatulence, these folks love to hear themselves talk so they blow hot air all day/everyday about absolutely nothing.

Ventose comes from the Latin ventosus, meaning windy.  Used as an adjective, it means empty talk, hot air.  As in, Crooked Hillary, the ventose twat actually believes she won the 2016 Presidential election, and, along with The Coven, er, The View windbags, takes every opportunity to prove that she should be put in a straitjacket and given anti-psychosis drugs regularly.


Yiddish Word of the Week

November 29, 2019


It was a close race among several candidates, but this week’s Yiddish Word of the Week firmly belongs to California’s 28th Congressional District Representative. Often used as a pejorative term, the word is used in Yiddish as a vulgar term for a penis.

Destroying the Golden State since 2001, Adam Schiff is a demonstrated schmuck whose acts of subversion against President Trump should result in being hanged for treason and sedition.

Be Thankful for Food, Family & Friends

November 28, 2019


In November 1621, the Plymouth colonists and the Wampanoag indians shared a harvest feast that has since been recognized as the first Thanksgiving.  And for more than two centuries, the day was celebrated by the individual colonies and states.  It wasn’t until 1863 in the middle of the Civil War that President Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

The American concept of Thanksgiving was developed by the colonies of New England but the roots of days of feasting can be traced back to the other side of the Atlantic.  Both the Separatists, who came over on the Mayflower, and the Puritans, who arrived soon after, brought with them a tradition of providential holidays consisting of days of fasting during difficult or pivotal times and days of feasting and celebration to thank God in times of plenty.



[WoW] Overweening

November 26, 2019



An archaic verb meaning conceited or arrogant.  Having an overly high opinion of oneself or being overly confident.  As in, Crazy Nancy Pelosi and Red Cortez are overweening extremist, nutbags masquerading as Democrats.

JFK Blown Away 56 Years Ago Today

November 22, 2019


Today is the 56th anniversary of the assassination of the thirty-fifth president of the United States.   Kennedy served at the height of the Cold War and his presidency dealt primarily with managing relations with the former USSR and Cuba.  Stateside, JFK established the Peace Corps, continued the Apollo space program and supported the Civil Rights Movement.

Unicorns and rainbows aside, Kennedy escalated tensions in South Vietnam by increasing the number of American military advisers and brought the United States to the brink of nuclear war in April 1961 with a botched attempt to overthrow Castro’s communist Cuba in the Bay of Pigs Invasion.   And while we may never know the names of the persons who masterminded Kennedy’s death, we do know this much.

Kennedy was neutralized during an event that would be obscured and obfuscated to the point of absurdity.  And despite hundreds of witnesses and compelling home movies to the contrary, his death was ultimately blamed on a lone nutjob who was 250 feet away and shooting at a moving target.  Oswald supposedly got off 3 rounds with an old Italian bolt action rifle in only six seconds and scored two hits, including a head shot.  Notwithstanding Oswald’s stint in the United States Marine Corps, it would be damn impressive shooting if it was true.

Of all the conspiracy theories opined in numerous books and films, the one item glossed over by all of them is Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110, which was effectively, the first step towards reigning in and eventually ending the Federal Reserve.  Executed on June 4, 1963, Kennedy was dead five months later.  Coincidence? Only if you believe in magic bullets and the tooth fairy.

For those who don’t know, the Federal Reserve is about as federal as Fedex.  A privately held, unelected, elite body comprised of banking and finance magnates with ties to the billionaire Rothschild international banking empire that controls America’s money system and is unaccountable to either the President or Congress.  Effectively, it operates according to its own interests which are not necessarily mutually exclusive with those of American citizens, and precisely why Kennedy wanted to end it.  Unfortunately, the Fed ended Kennedy first.  President Trump has since taken up the mantle of vowing to abolish the monster and bringing back the gold standard.

Highly recommended reading:  The Creature from Jekyll Island, by E. Edward Griffin.

[WoW] Caliginous

November 19, 2019



It was a caliginous night…

It doesn’t have quite the same literary impact, does it?  Yet it means the same thing – misty, dim, dark.



Meet North America’s Only Marsupial

November 17, 2019

In honor of Prattle On, Boyo’s tenth year on the web, I wanted to spotlight North America’s only marsupial–the much maligned opossum. You may have also heard them referred to as possums but the latter is correct ONLY_IF you’re talking about a marsupial who lives in Australia, New Guinea, Sulawesi, New Zealand and China. So now that we have firmly distinguished possum from opossum, let’s sing the praises of the greyish/whitish colored critter often seen at night prowling backyards and/or scurrying down the sidewalk with a batch of babies clutching onto her back.

Ten Amazing Facts about Opossums

1.  They’re Not Aggressive


You may have heard the phrase, “playing possum” and wondered what it meant.  It comes from the technique employed to appear to be dead to avoid a confrontation with a threat.  Ms. Opossum can stay  knocked out hours all the while emitting a foul stench to keep away any predators that may be thinking of having an opossum sandwich.   And while they may bare their teeth, opossum will never attack so don’t worry about Fluffy or FiFi.   Worry more about the pesticides/rodenticide your neighbor is using in his garden/on his lawn as pets are much more likely to be harmed by the Poison Industry than an opossum.

2.  They Rarely Have Rabies


Unlike most wild animals, opossums are nearly completely immune to contracting rabies or passing it along.  According to science, this is due to their natural body temperature being much too low to maintain hosting the rabies virus.

3.  They Eat Thousands of Ticks


Ticks are nasty parasites widely distributed around the world especially in warm, humid climates.  They have long been the blood-sucking bane of many a mammal, including our own beloved pets.  Ticks are synonymous with transmitting Lyme Disease but Ms. Opossum is a voracious tick eater.  She can potentially eliminate 4,000 ticks inside of a single week.   She will also quickly vacuum all those icky insects in the backyard and may even chomp on mice if they get in her way.   Opossums rid us of the real pests.

4.  They Won’t Destroy Your Lawn or Property

Virginiana Didelphis Fauna Animals Opossum Animal

Unlike other nocturnal creatures creeping around in the dark, opossums won’t destroy anything and they don’t spray like skunks.  So if you happen to see a wandering opossum in your garage or house, simply leave the door open and remove any food that might have drawn them inside.  They’ll eventually leave without any of the drama the local animal control agency will invoke as these agencies prefer to KILL anything they’re called about, including kittens.

5.  They Are True Survivors


Opossums have been around a lot longer than any other mammal.  They are often called living fossils because they’ve been able to survive on the planet for millions of years–over 70 million, in fact–which shows an ability to overcome adversity.

6.  They Help with Waste Management


Opossum are not picky eaters–they will eat whatever is available, including road kill/carrion (bones and all).  They are nature’s most efficient waste-management team and clean-up crew.

7.  They Are the Only Marsupials Indigenous to North America


Yes, it’s true.  Whenever you hear the word, marsupial, you probably think of the land down under.  But we have our very own unique critter who carries her babies in her pouch until they’re old enough to cling to her back.

8.  They Get Rid of Garden Pests


Opossums love to dine on slugs, beetles and cockroaches but will leave your flowers and veggies undisturbed.

9.  They May Be the Key to Battling Venomous Snake Bites


The venom of slithery snakes that may be hiding in your backyard has no effect on opossum.   Researchers have been attempting to isolate the toxin-neutralizing strain found in opossum blood which could potentially be used to treat humans who have been bitten by poisonous snakes such as rattlers and cottonmouths.

10.  They’re Smart Little Critters


Opossums tested with a higher intelligence than other domestic animals such as rabbits, dogs and cats, particularly when it came to finding tasty grub and remembering exactly where it was to go back for more.   So if you find a family passing through your backyard, leave Awesome Possum to her job of ridding the nasty pests that attack your garden and cause pestilence/illness.  Nature put her on the planet for a very specific reason so don’t f*ck with the natural order of the universe.



Yiddish Word of the Week Returns!

November 15, 2019


Back in 2011, I wrote what I had imagined was going to be a weekly schtick consisting of popular Yiddish words that had crossed over into English. But things became fakakt and one thing led to another.  I was detoured, unfortunately,  but the idea was always present & firing on at least one mental cylinder.  So henceforth, Yiddish WoW will be published each Friday in succession until I run out of words or I start to kvetch, whichever comes first.

Today’s word is much misunderstood, misused and often misspelled.  It means nothing, zip, nada.


As in, The Demonrats don’t have bupkis on President Trump.  They’re wasting taxpayer money to run a farcical impeachment in the desperate hopes of distracting Americans so they won’t elect him president again in 2020. 


November 2019 is Blade Runner Month!

November 13, 2019


By now you must have been made aware that November is Blade Runner month.  The social media-verse has been absolutely teeming with posts to remind us but I have to say that all the digital hot air currently befouling the ethernet was made by what I like to call the Reo -Speedwagon-bois.  You know, the heard it from a friend whooooo, heard it from a friend whooo, heard it from another how awesome the Blade Runner movie is. They don’t know jack but want us to believe how speshul they are because they’ve jerked off to the movie a thousand times in babusya’s basement.

I can be derisive, you see, because I was THERE, bitchez!  I saw the original Blade Runner movie in 1982 at what was then probably one of the last drive-in movie venues.  It was an amazing 2-for-1 Saturday night in July at the old drive-in starting with Escape From New York and topped off with BR.  I was just starting HS (Yes, I am that old) and it was a loooooooong night of two of sci-fi’s greatest hits.

Ah yes, I remember it well—greasy burgers & fries washed down with a 40-gallon drum of Coca-Cola flavored with real sugar (NOT the chemical shit storm it is today) from the concession stand and followed up with a 2-mile trek through children of the corn land to get to the restroom.  And let’s not leave out from our misty water colored memories the tantalizing treat we dove into AFTER consuming our transfats & caffeine–Velveeta melted and poured over Doritos (before they contained chemicals that cause anal leakage.)  Yum! Overkill, yes, but delicious, nonetheless.  The official term, Nachos,  had not been coined or maybe it was because Mexican culture hadn’t yet displaced Americana. All this was yours for a mere $8.50 including the price of admission for as many bodies you could cram into the Buick.  Use of the trunk not necessary since there was no limit.

If you take a stroll around the net today and read some of the posts others have made about BR month, you’ll fast determine that most of them (the bitter little trolls who have nothing else to say) either want to jeer at BR’s popularity for no other reason (that I can discern) than having zero appreciation for the movie, the fan-clan that developed around it, consequently, OR they want to bloviate/whine about climate change and/or the tech in the movie and the lack of it having developed during contemporary times.   Yes, really.  Apparently, the speshul snowflakes need a safe space to cry about how DARE reality NOT live up to fake news media tech expectations.

Blade Runner was based on a shitty short story written by Philip K. Dick and published in 1968 entitled, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.  The only similarities it shares with the movie are Rick Deckard and six escapee Nexus-6 androids set during the post-apocalyptic future.  But for Ridley Scott, the book would have been relegated to the kindling pile and Harrison Ford would have gone through his life as being known only for playing a dimpled chin, bumbling bounty hunter whose chief claim to fame was banging bun head Lea in a cheesy space opera that ripped off Frank Herbert’s Dune books.

Scott transformed a mediocre book into a kick ass piece of sci-fi folklore and released the movie in 1982.  Dick had set the year to 1992 but Scott set it mere thirty-seven years into the future in 2019 which was perfect according to my teen self’s opinion, thank you, very much.  The time frame was close enough to what was then, the current year, to stay firmly rooted in reality, and just far off enough to enable dreaming about the day when we’d have flying cars, human-like androids and off-world colonies.

BR is essentially a love story between Deckard (Who may even be a replicant himself–the flame wars still wage today) and Rachel, who is introduced as the niece of the CEO of the Tyrell Corporation but who is really a unique prototype replicant with implanted memories from Tyrell’s niece and whose lack of longevity is not an issue in the same manner as the Nexus-6 sociopaths.  The rest of the story in between is a high tech wet dream set to a soundtrack created by Greek musician and composer, Vangelis.  In fact, the music is a very much overlooked, undervalued absolute masterpiece as musical accompaniment goes.

The fact that we’re even having a discussion about an event that was referenced in a thirty-seven year old movie speaks volumes all by itself, so if you haven’t seen it then you’ve missed out, loser.  Go break three of your fingers–one for each of the killer skin jobs Deckard retired.

I leave you with my favorite scene –