Aaaaand We’re Back

October 1, 2021

Remember the announcement when I said we had new hosting? Weeeelllll, we did, for a period of time and then I decided that the hosting company was a steaming pile of fraud so I removed my bank account from supporting it any further.

After several more months in limbo in search of other hosting, I decided on another candidate. Turns out prattleonboyo will be staying right here on wordpress. And once the fresh nameservers resolve, our new domain name will simply be prattleonboyo dot com minus the wordpress suffix branding.

I’ve had a lot of topics I’ve been wanting to cover lately but haven’t been very good at prioritizing due to personal obligations and commitments, but it’s all settling down to a manageable level now so do please look forward to new material soon!

I’ve also revised my About section so please read it.